The Crazy Thing I am Attempting For My 50th Birthday
For several months I have been trying to plan something big that I would like to do to commemorate my upcoming 50th birthday. In this episode, I talk about how …
Why My Wife Won’t Let Me Get A Motorcycle | FUN FRIDAY
I don't have a good history with these machines, so it's probably a good thing I don't have one.
My Fitness Goals For 50
In 6 months I will turn 50, and have some unusual health and fitness goals laid out.
A Warning To Parents Of Elementary & Middle School Kids
An inside look at something harmful that is going on in every school in America, and the steps you need to take to prepare and protect your children.
The Darkness I Have Been Facing
Recently there has been a sense of hopelessness and despair that has been a shadow over my life. I open up and talk about that, as well as my struggles …
Your Family Is More Important Than Your Career
You can live with your family and still be an absentee father. As men, we tend to define ourselves by our careers, by whatever it is we do for a …
5 Puppy Training Tips You Need To Know | FUN FRIDAY
Training You To Train Your Dog On today's Fun Friday podcast episode, I talk about 5 dog training tips that I learned when taking my Australian Shepard through AKC courses. …
Why I Stopped Doing The 75 Hard Program
On this episode, we take a look at the 75 Hard mental toughness program, and why I decided to stop doing it. I talk about what 75 Hard is, and …
Welcome To The Forging Fatherhood Podcast!
After many months in the making, and (too) much self doubt and procrastination on my part, I am happy to announce that the Forging Fatherhood Podcast is now live! You …