The Burpee Broad Jump Apocalypse, A Killer 2 Move Workout

Simple, But Not Easy

While this workout may only consist of 2 moves, Burpees and Broad jumps, it gets brutal pretty quickly. It is a ladder progression starting at 1 rep and going up to 10, and then back down to 1 if you can stand it. If you complete all of the reps, you will have done 100 burpees and 100 broad jumps!

The Workout

Start with 1 rep of each exercise, as outlined below, and add another rep each time. This should be a continuous motion, as you finish each set’s broad jump go straight into the next set’s burpees, and after you land on your last burpee of the set go straight into the next set of broad jumps.

Burpee Broad Jump Apocalypse:

  • 1 burpee, 1 broad jump
  • 2 burpees, 2 broad jumps
  • 3 burpees, 3 broad jumps
  • Continue until you reach 10 burpees and 10 broad jumps

Extra Credit:

  • Once you have reached 10 burpees and 10 broad jumps, start descending the reps down by 1 until you get back to 1 burpee and 1 broad jump. (9 burpees, 9 broad jumps; 8 burpees, 8 broad jumps; etc…)

Ideally you should do this in an area where you have enough room to complete all of the broad jumps while continuously moving forward. Yards, driveways, parks, and parking lots are good locations for this. But if you are doing this indoors and are limited by the size of a room, you can just turn around and keep jumping when you reach the wall.

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