Killer Pushup Pyramid Followed By Full Body Circuit

For part of this workout you will need to find a parking lot with clearly marked lines. I would also recommend hitting it early in the morning because most parking lots (think: parks, churches, Lowe’s, etc.) are empty at 5AM. Plus you will probably feel a little awkward doing this out in public view, although if you bring a friend or two it won’t be so bad.

Pushup Pyramid

This is a simple 1 exercise move that gets increasingly harder as you go. If you want to get technical you can use a timer, otherwise just count to yourself on the rest breaks.

  • 1 pushup, 10 second break
  • 2 pushups, 10 second break
  • 3 pushups, 10 second break
  • Continue adding 1 pushup to each set until you reach 20
  • After completing 20, you will have done a total of 210 pushups

Full Body Circuit

This is where you are going to need the parking lot lines. Ideally, you will need a parking lot big enough to have 20 lines across it. If that is not available, you can get creative in splitting things up as you have to. The number of parking lines is not as important as the exercises, so you can modify this to work with whatever you have.

  • 30 Sit-ups
  • Bear crawl 10 parking lines
  • 30 squats
  • Broad jump 10 parking lines
  • 30 burpees
  • Sprint back to start
  • Repeat for 30 minutes, completing as many rounds as possible

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