It is estimated that 22 veterans per day commit suicide. Men and women return from duty with physical, mental, and emotional trauma, which too often goes untreated. The Courage Foundation is an organization that educates, equips, and empowers veterans living with Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) with the skills, resources and training to thrive, and has issued a 22 million burpee challenge to help raise funds and awareness for this.
The Courage Foundation’s stated mission is to “foster post-traumatic growth, restore purpose and transform lives through integrative self-awareness, physical health, mental toughness, emotional resilience and spiritual well-being.”
In a recent F3 workout that I led, I challenged the group to do as many burpees as they could in 22 minutes. Our group, ranging in age from men in their 30’s to men in their 60’s, averaged 175 burpees. with the most done being 230.
While this doesn’t actually count towards the Foundation’s 22 million burpee fundraising goal (everything we do in F3 is free), it was still a good way to promote this worthy cause to a group of men, some of whom are former military.
If you are able to contribute financially the Foundation’s burpee challenge, I encourage you to do so. But even if you aren’t, I challenge you to answer the question: