Spring Cleaning Challenge, 2022

This April, I challenge you to do a little “spring cleaning” in your health and fitness routine.  Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your family.  Living a healthy lifestyle is part of being a good father, and hopefully you already have a good diet and exercise routine.  But even if you do, or if you’re just getting started or haven’t quite started yet, this will be a great time to commit yourself to some healthier life choices for the next 30 days. 

This Challenge will be different for each person, but everyone can come up with One Simple Thing to do to improve your own health and fitness.  So set a goal and commit the next 30 days to getting better!

Here are some examples:

  • Cut Out Alcohol for the next 30 days.
  • Cut Out Sugary Drinks – Drink nothing but black coffee, unsweet tea, and water for the next 30 days.
  • Work Towards A Fitness Goal – Focus on improving your run time, or your squat PR, or pull-ups.  Pick one thing fitness-wise that you want to get better at and focus on it for the month of April.
  • Exercise Every Day – Even if it’s just taking a 20 minute walk through your neighborhood, get off the sofa and do something every day. 
  • Commit to eating at least 1 healthy meal every day for the next 30 days. 
  • Detoxify your mind – turn off the TV and 24 hour news feed.
  • Turn off work at a reasonable time and play with your kids every day.

What if I mess up, or can’t go a full 30 days? It doesn’t matter if you are off one day, just start again the next day.  Winston Churchill has been quoted as saying “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”  You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to continue to try to make progress in getting better.

What if I’m already doing great with my health and fitness? Give yourself a goal to attain.  Get out of your comfort zone.  Start training for a Spartan Race, or a half marathon, or a Memorial Day Murph

What if I like being a couch potato?  You deserve better, and so does your family.  Take this opportunity to start down a better path.

No matter where you are in your journey, there is always something you can do to get better. 

So figure out what that is for you and commit to getting better over the next 30 days!

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