Parking Lots Are Great Locations For Workouts!

Empty parking lots are a great place to work out! I typically work out in parking lots with my F3 group 2-3 times per week, sometimes more. Not only do parking lots provide an open space to work in, they come with parking lines that can be used as distance markers in your exercises, so it’s best to find a parking lot with clearly marked lines.

Here are a few things to look for if you are considering working out in a parking lot:

General Tips

  • Location is key! I like to use public parking lots like parks, libraries, churches, Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc. They are usually centrally located and well lit. Bonus points if you do this in a gym parking lot so everyone moseying on the treadmills sees what real work looks like!
  • Get up early! I always recommend hitting it early in the morning because most public parking lots are empty at 5AM.
  • Take a friend! You will probably feel a little awkward doing this out in public view, although if you bring a friend or two it won’t be so bad. One person exercising in a parking lot alone is odd, but a group of people doing it is a “fitness class”.
  • Look for good lines! Well defined parking lines are a key element to effectively using the parking lot for exercise. These are great distance markers and can be used in a variety of ways. Ideally you want to find a parking lot with some distance to it, but shorter lots can be used effectively as well.

Safety Tips

When picking a parking lot for your workouts here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Be mindful of traffic! You don’t want to be somewhere that is going to have a lot of cars coming in and out forcing you to stop your workout (or run for your life!). This is another reason that you should Get Up Early.
  • Parking garages are excellent too! Not all locations have big open parking lots to exercise in. In fact, these can be rare or non-existent in larger cities. In cases like this, look for a good public parking garage instead. The continual sloped incline of a parking garage can add some extra complexity to your workouts, and most parking garages are going to have a flat rooftop parking section that you can use as you would a ground level parking lot. Plus taking the stairs to the top make a good warmup.
  • Be safe! Do not put yourself in a dangerous situation. When picking a parking lot or garage, make sure you are in a publicly visible and well lit area. You want cars to be able to see you easily, and you never know what kind of weirdos are hiding out in the bushes. If you don’t feel comfortable at a location, find a better location!
  • Bring a friend! Let’s be honest, one person working out alone in a parking lot is a little weird. Misery loves company, so drag a few friends out to workout with you. Plus there is safety in numbers.

4 thoughts on “Parking Lots Are Great Locations For Workouts!

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