For several months there has been a darkness, a sense of hopelessness and despair, that has been a constant shadow over my life. In today’s episode I open up and talk about that, as well as my struggles with my faith, and ultimately realizing that I needed to answer the question: “Who wrote the narrative you keep repeating to yourself?”
I know I am not alone in this. With an estimated 39,000 male suicides a year in the U.S., it’s obvious that many men are struggling through this.
Men, it’s time to start talking about this, and ask yourself that same question:
Who wrote the narrative you keep repeating to yourself?
Additional Notes:
Here is a link to the song I mention in the episode: https://youtu.be/tHxip2x-PLc?si=CjG35NbODNMPjbqs
Nailed it brother. I was there September October last year just at the end of it. I still have to watch my self with every win and high comes a low low to follow. Kinda scary to hear that you can be as far along in your fitness and faith and all as you are and have such an impact on so many men and still be accosted by the father of lies. I keep the mind churning I keep the body moving. I am an infinite being stretched in a finite plain of existence. This is not out home but our existence is full of suffering but as Peterson and Pageau talk it bout it Christ was was the ultimate in suffering and pain and that is how He defeated death and harrowed hell . And we do it we carry our cross we embrace the suck and our joys are multiplied and our burdens divided in community.