My 2023 Reading Plan

I have posted my Reading Plan for 2023.

Each year I post a list of books that I want to read throughout that year. As the year goes on, and I complete them, I update the list to reflect that. I also include links to each of the books on Amazon, in case you would like to pick one of them up and read for yourself.

I will admit that last year I was way too ambitious. I did not get to read nearly as much as I had hoped. Reading is something that I have always enjoyed, but the truth is I just do not make enough time for it. Life gets in the way and I will sometimes go weeks without even picking up a book. This year I plan to fix that and try to schedule a small amount of reading time into my day.

Last year I also committed to reading the bible in a year. I started out strong, and at four months in, I was still doing pretty well with it. However as the year went on I got farther and farther behind, and wound up only getting about halfway through it. I am trying to read it chronologically, which has me jumping around more than I expected. I am also using a study bible which has extra notes and historical information about the passages, which I really like, but sometimes can send me down the rabbit hole of investigating more about a specific passage or topic. I plan to continue working through the rest of the bible this year, and once I finish maybe come back and start deep-diving some of it.

1 thought on “My 2023 Reading Plan

  1. Pingback: It Took Me 2 Years To Read The Old Testament, But I Did It! - Forging Fatherhood

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