The World Is Coming For Your Children. Are They Ready?

This past weekend I had a guy’s trip with my pre-teen son, where we also had “the talk” (which he says “ruined his innocence and scarred him for life!“).

About an hour before our chat we went to a book store in a mall, and I was noticing that as we walked around he was completely unaware of the pornography on the shelves and display mannequins in the lingerie shop windows.  I was a little saddened in knowing that this is soon about to change as he continues to mature.

The World Is Moving Faster Than You Think!

Rather than shield children from all knowledge of the harmful influences and pitfalls we encounter on a daily basis, we must prepare them for dealing with this real, difficult, and complex world in manageable doses.

Man Of God – Charles Stanley

As parents, we want to shield our children from the evils of the world. We don’t talk about school shootings, even though our kids are going through drills at school to prepare for them. We don’t want them to know about the wicked and perverse things that are becoming mainstream in our society.  We believe that if we don’t tell them about these things, they won’t notice them, or that maybe they are too young to hear about these things yet.  But the reality is, the world is coming for your children and it is not going to wait.  They are faced with more each day than you may realize. 

Are Your Children Ready?

As a recent example, a 10 year old girl at my son’s elementary school came back from spring break a few months ago with all of her hair cut off, wearing boy’s clothes, and insisting everyone call her by a new boy name.  Would your elementary age children be prepared to see this?  How would they react?

Regardless of whether you feel this is good or bad, right or wrong, it is a facet of our society that our young children will see and interact with every day, and it is up to you to prepare them for it and lead them in your family’s beliefs

I did not adequately prepare my daughter for this in middle school, and because of that she is now wrapped up in the current transgender movement that’s raging in our our schools today. That has since lead to deep depression and anxiety, regular panic attacks, and even a bout with anorexia.

You Can’t Wait!

Things that may seem foreign or odd to us old fogies, like personal pronoun choices, are becoming part of our children’s normal everyday vocabulary.  Whether it be political viewpoints, LGBTQ issues, Roe v. Wade, or your faith and religion, as a Dad it is your responsibility to teach your family’s beliefs and values to your children. Speak to them early and often about the things you believe in and instill the values you want them to have.

If you don’t, someone else will.

1 thought on “The World Is Coming For Your Children. Are They Ready?

  1. Pingback: 7 Things Your Kids Need To Know Before They Start Middle School - Forging Fatherhood

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