The Answer To Your Prayer May Be “Not Yet”

We live in a world of instant gratification. Most anything we want we can get with just a few clicks of our phones. And because we have become so accustomed to getting what we want whenever we want it, when we pray for things we often expect an immediate answer.  Whether it be for a new job, the healing of a loved one, or for a difficult situation to end, we typically ask God for things that we feel are urgent, things that we want NOW.  But sometimes things don’t work out like we want.

The Job That I Didn’t Get

About a year ago I was wanting to change jobs.  I had in my mind what would be my dream job, and I was actively seeking it and interviewing for it.  It would involve a good bit of travel all over the world.  I had been moving my career in this specific direction for years, and everything was finally starting to fall in line.  Throughout the job search and interview process I prayed and prayed that I would get this position, if it was in line with God’s will.  (And I was really, really hoping that it was!) I was getting interviews at the specific companies where I wanted to work, and things were looking promising. 

But I didn’t get the job.

While disappointing at the time, looking back I see where it was actually a good thing.  This year my family has had quite a few struggles that required me to be here.  God knew this. Had I gotten that job, my dream job which would have me traveling a lot, I most likely would have had to leave it in order to take care of my family.  There is no way I could have been absent in the day-to-day lives of my wife and children over the last year. 

The Job I No Longer Want

About 2 months ago, I got a call from the person that currently held the position I wanted at the company where I really wanted to work.  He had been in that role for probably 20 years and was moving on and wanted to bring me in as his replacement.  This person had actually been my inspiration in seeking this career path to begin with, and now he was hand-picking me as his replacement and handing me my dream job.

I declined the position. 

Knowing Your Priorities

While that job is definitely something that I know I would greatly enjoy, I have a larger obligation to my family.  They need me here, at home, not traveling all over the world. We are in a season of life where it is more important for me to be present with my wife and children every day. My role as a husband and father takes a higher precedence than my career.

Will I ever try to go after that dream job again? I doubt it. I am at a point now where I have moved passed that desire, and I am feeling a tug in a different direction. I do believe that the skills and knowledge I acquired to be able to fulfil that job are going to be valuable to me in the future, just not at that specific role.

I once heard a pastor say that God answers prayers with “Yes“, “No“, or “Not Yet”.  Sometimes the things we pray for are things that we think we need, or things we want, but they may not be in line with God’s plan for us.  Or sometimes they may not be in align with God’s timing.

Sometimes, “Not Yet” may not be the answer we want, but it’s the answer that we need.

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