Every man should believe in something greater than himself, and for every man that can be something different. I am a Christian, and I choose to live my life guided by the Bible and Jesus Christ. But that doesn’t mean you have to. My faith doesn’t have to be your faith. I would like for it to be, and would love to talk to you about it if you want, but I will not try to force that upon anyone.

You may also be a Christian, or perhaps Muslim, or Buddhist, or any number of other Faiths. Regardless of individual personal beliefs, every man should acknowledge that he is not the center of the universe and there is a higher power at work in this world.

Without a belief in a power outside of himself a man will have no choice but to view himself as the king of the world. A man who believes that lie cannot be a Virtuous Leader because he will be incapable of seeing himself first as a servant. Instead, he will be a Jackass, a man who lives for himself rather than Living Third .

F3 Q Source – Q 1.10 – Prayer

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