Spring Cleaning Challenge, 2023

Each April I try to do a little “spring cleaning” in my health and fitness routine, and I challenge you to do the same. This Challenge will be different for each person, but everyone can come up with at least One Simple Thing to do to improve your own health and fitness. Most of you already know of something that you want, or need, to do. So set a goal and commit the next 30 days to getting better!

This year, my personal challenge is going to be spread across the following three areas:

Mental Health

  • Read the Bible every day – I am still working on reading through it chronologically, but I need to get better at trying to make this a daily habit.
  • Read a “grown up” book for at least 15 minutes per day – I have so many books in my reading plan for this year, I have to make more of an effort to get through them.

Physical Health

  • Cut Out Alcohol for the next 30 days – Over the last couple of months I have started drinking more than I normally do. While I still don’t drink a lot by most people’s standards, I am drinking more than I should.
  • Cut out fried food for the next 30 days – Sorry Zaxby’s and Chick-fil-a, you will probably take a financial hit this month.

Physical Fitness

Since I am in the process of recovering from an injury to my foot, I will not be able to hit this goal as hard as I originally wanted. My fitness routine has suffered greatly so far this year. I had planned to start focusing more on running, but that is not going to happen until my foot gets better.

  • Run a 5K every day. Work towards being able to run a 5K – Even though I am not able to run right now, I am going to work towards being able to by the end of the month.
  • Work out a minimum of 3 times a week – This sounds very odd for me to say, as I am usually hitting 5-6 workouts per week, but since hurting my foot my workout schedule has taken a nose dive. I have to get back into my routine.

What is your 30 Day Challenge?

I challenge you to set a goal and commit the next 30 days to getting better! No matter where you are in your journey, there is always something you can do to get better. So figure out what that is for you and commit to getting better over the next 30 days.

2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning Challenge, 2023

  1. Forging Fatherhood Post authorReply

    One week in, and here is my progress:

    Mental Health – I’m doing pretty good with this one, so far I’ve managed to read my bible and a “grown up” book every day. I haven’t specifically been keeping up with the amount of time I’ve been reading, but at this point I consider reading every day a win.

    Physical Health – This one is going well too. I have had zero alcohol, and zero fried foods. Multiple meals that would typically have been fast food this past week were replaced with salads I made at home. I may not be eating completely healthy or following a strict diet, but this is a big improvement.

    Physical Fitness – This one has taken a nose dive! After working out on Tuesday morning and then push-mowing the yard that afternoon, it aggravated my foot injury to the point my physical therapist said no working out for at least another week. I tried to get him to say that I shouldn’t mow the yard anymore as well, but he wouldn’t do it.

    While I am disappointed that I can’t get back into working out just yet, I still think that I’m doing pretty well on my 2023 Challenge so far.

  2. Pingback: I Tried The Spartan 7 HARD Challenge, Here Are 5 Things I Learned - Forging Fatherhood

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