Do You Stand Out, Or Do You Just Fit In?

Have you ever heard the story of the “5 Monkeys Experiment”?

While it turns out this was not an actual true experiment, the story is that a group of scientists placed five monkeys in a room that contained a ladder in the center and a banana on top  of the ladder.  Every time a monkey tried to get the banana, they were all blasted with cold water.  Eventually, whenever a monkey went for the banana the other monkeys would pull him down so they wouldn’t get blasted.  Over time, each of the monkeys were replaced with monkeys that had never been blasted, and every time a new monkey went for the bananas the others stopped him. 

None of the monkeys knew anything about the cold water, they were just doing what had always been done by the other monkeys, although they didn’t actually know why.

Why do you do the things that you do? 

The same thing can happen to us in life, we just follow along with things, with the way of the world, because that is what everyone else is doing.

But have you ever stopped to ask yourself “Why?” Why do you do the things that you do? 

Is it because everyone else does them, or because it is what you have always done?  Or is it because they are the right things to do? 

Are you doing the things just to get through each day, or are you working at growing stronger, getting better, and accelerating your life?

Others will follow what you do, so do what is right.

Do not do things just because everyone else does them.  Be an example to your family. Be a leader in your community. Stand out in today’s world because you do what is right, not what is easy or comfortable or “normal”.

What kind of example are you? Be a man of conviction, not a man of conformity.

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