The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.

– Mark Twain

My Reading Plans*

At the beginning of each year I like to compile a list of books that I plan on reading throughout that year. Most of the time I get overambitious, and the list is way more than I actually get done. My goal is usually to try to read 1 book a month, with a stretch goal on top of that. Sometime I meet that goal, sometimes I do not, but each year I continue to try.

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2023 Reading Plan

Last year I was way too ambitious. I didn’t get to read nearly as much as I had hoped, and read less than half of the books on my list. The truth is, while I enjoy reading, I just do not make enough time for it. This year I plan to fix that and try to schedule a small amount of reading time into my day.

And with that, here is my reading plan for 2023. It includes some of the books left over from last year’s list, plus a few new ones that I have discovered. Sticking with my goal to read 1 book a month and to try to stretch a little beyond that, his year I am limiting my list to 15 books. If by some chance I get them read I will add more to the list as I go.

  1. Chatter – Ethan Kross (Amazon) – In Progress
  2. How To Pray In A Crisis – Daniel Henderson (Amazon) – Completed
  3. The Science of Nutrition: Debunk the Diet Myths and Learn How to Eat Well for Health and Happiness – Rhiannon Lambert (Amazon) – Completed
  4. As a man Thinketh – James Allen (Amazon) – Completed
  5. Spartan Fit! – Joe De Sena (Amazon) – Completed
  6. Uncommon – Tony Dungy (Amazon)
  7. The Energy Bus – Jon Gordon (Amazon)
  8. Where’s The Joy? – Danny Williamson (Amazon) – Completed
  9. Make Your Bed – Admiral William H. McRaven (Amazon)
  10. The Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren (Amazon)
  11. 12 Rules For Life – Jordan B. Peterson (Amazon)
  12. The Art Of Getting Out Of Your Head – Steven Nickolas (Amazon)
  13. Undistracted – Bob Goff (Amazon)
  14. Do The Hard Things First – Scott Allan (Amazon)
  15. Think Again – Adam Grant (Amazon)

2022 Reading Plan

I started 2022 confined to a bedroom in my house due to a positive COVID test.  Since this also happened to be a 4-day holiday weekend off of work for me, I had a lot of time to ponder the new year and what I wanted to accomplish.

One of the things I committed to for this year is reading.  I knew I wanted to read the bible in a year, but I also have a long list of books that I have wanted to read but never made time for it, so I decided to start on that as well.  What else was I going to do in my own personal COVID lockdown? 

Below is the list of books I plan on reading in 2022.  Although I have quite a few listed, my goal is to read at least 12 books this year, trying to average one a month.  I hope to be able to read more, but given my past track record I’ll be happy if I can get to 12. Whatever is left over will most likely get rolled over into next year. As the year goes on, and I complete them, I will be updating this list.  I may also change out books on this list as I go, or move them around in order, since I sometimes try to pick up a new book based on what I’m experiencing or wanting to accomplish in life at that time.

  1. How To Let God Solve Your Problems – Charles F. Stanley (Amazon) – Completed
  2. How Not To Die – Michael Greger, MD (Amazon) – Completed
  3. Man Of God – Charles F. Stanley (Amazon) – Completed
  4. Chatter – Ethan Kross (Amazon) – In Progress
  5. God Will Use This For Good – Max Lucado (Amazon) – Completed
  6. Embodied – Preston Sprinkle (Amazon)
  7. The Spartan Way – The Art of Manliness (Amazon) – Completed
  8. The Power Of Fun – Catherine Price (Amazon)
  9. Uncommon – Tony Dungy (Amazon)
  10. The Energy Bus – Jon Gordon (Amazon)
  11. Instructing A Child’s Heart – Tedd Tripp (Amazon)
  12. Where Is God When It Hurts? – Philip Yancey (Amazon)
  13. Better Dads, Stronger Sons – Rick Johnson (Amazon)
  14. The Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren (Amazon)
  15. God Has A Plan For Your Life – Charles F. Stanley (Amazon)
  16. Where’s The Joy? – Danny Williamson (Amazon)
  17. 3 Things Successful People Do – John C. Maxwell (Amazon)
  18. Make Your Bed – Admiral William H. McRaven (Amazon)
  19. Let God Change Your Life – Greg Laurie (Amazon)
  20. Flirting With The Forbidden – Steven James (Amazon)
  21. The Hole in Our Gospel – Richard Stearns (Amazon)

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